Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Summers over.....

Ok, so its September and everyone is back into their routines, its time to knuckle down again and feed those content hungry social media channels...here's a few more tips to keep up the momentum (which I too am planning to follow...

Content Calendar and Schedule.
Organisations should set up a content calendar and schedule their posts. Decide how often you want to send out updates on the different platforms.  It can be very easy to get caught up in other pressures and neglect your social media channels for a while.  I know, I've been there.  If you have content already scheduled, at least you know you are still engaging with your audience.  Then as other current information comes to your attention you can add these as extra posts

What is the message you want to get across?
What is the organization’s message.  What do you want to communicate to your audience? What are the values and culture of the organization?  Always remember these key aspects when deciding on the tone of your content. A financial services organisation may have a different tone to a students union. 

Content Strategy
You need a content strategy.  Who will look after producing content and do they have the ability.  Who cares about your content going out and whether it is in line with company objectives? The content should fit with the audience following you as well as satisfying the company objectives. 

Original Content
Keep content original for each platform.  Use compelling headlines that grab attention. Offer help. Highlight the brand in posts as search engines take social networks into account.  Tweet breaking news or write about it on Blogger. If you have the news and the insight, others will come looking for it. 

Showcase your wares

Showcase your wares- social media isn’t just for discussion but sharing and displaying products and services. Images have become increasingly popular in social media.  High quality content is the key to websites search optimisation – Facebook says that posts with photo albums produce 180% more engagement than non visual . 

Thanks for reading everyone.
Have a look at my website www.flourishwithsocialmedia.co.uk
Email me marian@flourishwithsocialmedia.co.uk
Tweet me @flourishsocial
Like my facebook page /flourishwithsocialmedia
Follow my LinkedIn Company page - Flourish With Social Media

And relax.....................

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