Series continued on content companies can use for their social networks....
Many companies find it difficult to come up with content continuously for their social networks. In my last 2 blog posts I have given some suggestions. These are some more......
Take some photos of you or your staff carrying out your services. Remember 'a picture tells a thousand words'. Take a photo of one of your staff with a happy customer leaving your business, impressed with what your business has done for them. Ask your customers who pass through your door to follow you on Facebook and Twitter and to let people know what they thought of your product or service.
New Customers
Tell everyone about the number of new customers you have acquired in the last few weeks, months or year. If you are having an improvement meeting with your staff, why not ask your followers what they would like to see improved. Is it delivery time, more expert advice, better customer service or more new products.
Thought Leader
Make sure you are a 'thought leader' in your area of expertise, keep up to date with what is going on in your industry and tell your followers about it. Let them know what you think of the last developments; How you think they will impact your industry? Will prices increase? Will services levels be affected by the changes? Will some products or services become obsolete? Tell your followers about books you are reading, apps you like and YouTube videos relevant to your industry
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