Monday, 8 April 2013

Has your business the Human touch?

Maybe it’s my Irish way that I always want to ‘make a connection’, but I feel many businesses need to become more human to gain the customers they want and probably deserve.
So what need is your product or service satisfying in me? When I log on to your website, ‘like’ your Facebook Page or follow you on Twitter, what will compel me to action?
How are you inspiring me to give you a call, fill in my contact details, book your service or buy your product?  How do I know you or your product can do what you say? Are you on my wavelength?
You need to put yourself in my shoes.  If I’ve landed on your website or one of your social media channels, I want you to persuade me I’m in the right place.  Do you understand my needs?  Why do you stand out from the crowd?

Strip it back
As more and more companies are realising how important social media and online presence is for their business, they need to examine their offering at a basic human level.  The organisation needs to strip back how it is describing its offering to potential customers.  What human need is your product or service fulfilling?  How are you connecting with your audience?  Can they see what others are saying about your product or service? Are your testimonials and reviews visible?  Remember your best advertisement is what other customers have said about you.
Redefining what you have to offer
Let’s take a Safety supplies company.   Previously it may have described itself as a business ‘who distributed safety supplies’.  Ok, not grabbing me so far! After stripping back the layers, it now becomes more customer focused and describes itself as ‘keeping you safe at work’. Pow! The company now connects to me and my safety!
Similarly a career coach who may once have described their service as ‘career coaching’ may now describe their offering as ‘helping you to unlock your true potential’.  This is a lot more inspiring to read! After all, is that not what any of us want, to unlock our true potential! 
What’s your story?
We all have a story. You have to think about your Company’s Story, what it is trying to do and how it can make your customers lives better.  If you are a sole trader, what are the unique values you bring to your business and customers? Is it personal service, long opening hours or simply specialising in one unique market.
If you are a larger organisation, what is your culture and how is your product or service created? Do you use quality ingredients to produce your product? How is your service quality guaranteed? What makes your organisation unique to those customers relevant to your business?  Let your business talk human to human and you have a greater chance of connecting to – Humans!
‘Pick me, Pick me!’
I’ve injured my back after a fall in a local shop.  Something was spilled on the floor but there was no warning.  My consultant has told me I will be unable to work for a few months.  I am really stressed out, worrying a lot about finances and I need some legal advice and help fast.  When I do a Google search on injury lawyers in my area, the first two websites that pop up are very professional looking but are very different in how they communicate with me.
The first one is very slick and business-like with the dominant colours of grey, black and navy.  There are photos of people in dark suits looking quite serious, ominous looking courthouses and large solid wood tables in big meeting rooms.  The site tells me a great deal about the firm, the lawyers’ careers to date and their qualifications.  Yes it all looks very professional but that urge to contact the company evades me.  Why? I don’t feel that connection.  I’m sure they will be excellent at the legal side of things but I want someone to put me at ease also and provide the support I need.  Something tells me I will feel like a duck out of water!
I go back to my search and click on the other law firm.  I am greeted with a similarly slick professional looking website.  However, something is different.  The colours are warmer.  People are dressed in smart attire but the scene looks a lot less intimidating.  There are smiles.  There are concerned faces.  There are some cups of coffee on the table.  I feel a connection!  Their homepage says ‘We stand by your side in challenging times’.  I feel more connected!  Also on the homepage are 2 testimonials from people who had suffered personal injury and couldn’t work for months.   The testimonials describe how these people felt after this life changing event, how the law firm made them feel, how they supported them and the advice they gave on what outside agencies could assist in these difficult times.
You’re the one that I want!
I am totally connected to these stories! It is me with a different name.  I feel the fire ignite within me.  I feel this company is the right ‘fit’ for me.  I am then drawn to a section on ‘community support’ which details the partnerships the firm has with various local voluntary organisations.  This is a firm who is giving something back.  I am so impressed.  The firm is  obviously very successful but also has a social conscience that I can see.  To me, they completely connect with me as a human being and the challenges facing me.
Humanise your business today – You will not regret it!
Thanks for reading!  Have you learned anything from this blog post?  I would really like to hear from you if you took any action after reading this.  Are you using every opportunity in your website and social media profiles to connect to your audience. 

If you need fresh eyes to carry out a website and social media review for your business

Call me at  00 44 7594 969529
Follow me on Twitter @marianmurphy2


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