Wednesday, 18 November 2015

A nice way to end a Wednesday

I got this lovely message from one of my clients this evening 'Just wanted to say thank you so much for the time you spent helping me understand LinkedIn. You are very knowledgeable, patient and a good teacher and I would recommend anyone that needs to know how to get the best out of LinkedIn to help move their business forward and get it noticed.'

Monday, 8 June 2015

Social Media Marketing Society - Created by Social Media Examiner

I have recently become a founding member of the Social Media Marketing Society, created by Social Media Examiner. Social Media Examiner has been a fantastic source for my business in the past 2 years, providing up to date information on the ever evolving changes in the social media space. The Social Media Marketing Society is a community of Social Media Marketers around the globe, there are forums, live hangouts, training sessions. I only joined the Society in May but so far I have found it fantastic and am really excited to share it with you - enrollment for 2015 ends on the 30th June so if it something you are interested, have a love at the link here to find out more

Looking forward to keeping you updates on all thing social media


Wednesday, 15 April 2015

'Social Media is about Relationships, not numbers', says Charron Pugsley-Hill

In a recent interview with Artist and wildlife Conservationist, Charron Pugsley-Hill, she gave me an insight into how she is using social media to build relationships and grow her business. 

Charron, thanks for giving me an insight into your business.  Firstly, can you tell me how you became an artist and when you set up your business?
Becoming an artist doesn’t happen overnight! I have spent my life as a professional wildlife conservationist and environmentalist having given up art as a small child because I absolutely didn't get it. Why would you paint an apple to look like an apple was my view and so I went down the science route. In 2010 having known that something in me needed a change I took voluntary redundancy, went out and bought a canvas (large) and some paints and started painting and haven’t looked back since. It was in 2012 that I called myself an artist for the first time and set up my business in November of that year.
How long have you been using social media to communicate your business message?
I used Facebook immediately, Twitter since January 2014, Pinterest and Instagram a few months ago.
Do you use any traditional paid advertising or marketing methods?
I have Facebook ads and boost posts sometimes.
How did you learn to use social media?
Having been absolutely rubbish at using pc s my husband gave me the amazing gift of a MAC which transformed my life and I then read about social media, talked to friends and went on several workshops with experts. I am no expert and still have a long way to go but I enjoy it-perhaps too much! 
What do you like about social media for business?
I love Twitter for its spontaneity, quickness and connections that I have made. Facebook shows my images so much better and is more long-lasting so I guess I like them for different reasons. Instagram is about showing my inspiration particularly when I am out walking. So I post and use each platform for different things!
How many likes/ followers/ connections do you have on each platform?
Not enough yet! But for me it’s never been about numbers but about the people I want to reach! I have said many times I will never buy into the numbers game-it’s about quality not quantity and making the right connections and I will continue to reach out to those lovely people.
How often do you post updates on your platforms?
It does vary depending on what I am working on! I try to tweet several times a day and FB daily. Instagram is more when I am out and about. I post different things on the different platforms. Pinterest is more random.
Can you think of a post/update that has received the most interaction from your audience?
Probably those that have asked for people to take part in something whether it is to take part in a voluntary workshop or by asking questions and opinions about a piece of artwork.
Why do you think that post received so much interaction?
It’s about clear requests and information-the reader understanding what I am asking them to do.

What do you dislike about social media for business? 
The time it takes-I try to reply to everyone and it is me that does it all as I want to connect directly- you get the real me!
Do you carry out advertising on your social media platforms?
Only on Facebook.
Tell me how you used social media in a successful way for your business?
Twitter has been amazing for me-I have ‘met’ so many great business people here and have often ended meeting up for coffee or in my case tea and you feel you already know someone so it is exciting to meet them in the flesh. I once started a conversation with a lady who then invited me to do an interview on palette pages and ultimately it led to being exhibited in an international contemporary art exhibition and doing my first installation piece. I have met a number of people who have bought my work and others who have given great advice and entertainment. 
Would you recommend one platform over another for a creative business like yours?
Facebook and Pinterest are always seen as the platforms for artists and designers to show off their work but personally I love Twitter……
Would you say you have made good contacts for your business using social media?
Definitely and some close friends too!
Which platform do you find is the least effective for your business?
Currently Instagram but I am working on it!
If money was no object, what would you like to do with/ on social media?
I want to continue doing most of my own social media as for an artist it’s about connecting with the art and the artist, however I will be using it with a strategy compiled with an expert to gain more sales and connects.
How much time do you spend on social media on a weekly basis?
5 hours + but it’s also important for artists to connect with each other and also lots of opportunities come up too so I need to keep on the case!
Do you have social media targets on a monthly basis?
No and I should!
Do you use a social media dashboard?
Yes I use Hootsuite and it really helps with scheduling twitter and Facebook but I always check for responses regularly. This is something a specialist could do more of for me in the future especially on Twitter!
What advice would you give to business owners who are skeptical
 of social media?
I was skeptical too but I believe now strongly that all businesses need to be on there as potential clients are definitely there and also I enjoy using social media. It makes me feel more connected to the wider world and more people within that world and that’s got to be a good thing in my book!
If you would like to share any other observations about social media for business, I would be delighted to hear them.  
Choose which you like and feel comfortable with and then be consistent and regular with your posts. Do not expect overnight immediate success although it can happen-it’s about creating relationships!

To learn more about Charron and her beautiful paintings, click here

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Face-Lace Cite Social Media Key To Success

I recently met Phyllis Cohen, Managing Director of Face-Lace.  As we chatted I told Phyllis about my business 'Flourish With Social Media', and Phyllis told me social media was a key aspect of the success of Face-Lace and getting the word out about Face-Lace products.  Never one to pass up an opportunity to find out more about how companies are using social media, I asked Phyllis if she would be happy to to share her social media story for my newsletter.  I was delighted when Phyllis agreed and here is an insight into how Face-Lace are using social media for their business.

When did you set up Face-Lace?
Phyllis: I began doing the research in early 2011, we launched at the end of February 2012.

What was your background before setting up Face-Lace?
Phyllis: I have worked as a Makeup artist in the UK, USA  and Europe for over 30 years, so I know the beauty industry well.

What motivated you to set up Face-Lace?
Phyllis: I always love a challenge and had been experimenting using stencils to expedite makeup work where I needed to finish work on the skin with elaborate details in a short time frame, I bought a machine to help me cut intricate stencils and one day I thought about using the machine to cut designs which could be stuck straight onto the skin. 

How did you get the word out about Face-Lace?
Phyllis:  I knew my best bet would be to launch it on the back of a fashion show at London Fashion week as most of the worlds fashion press is there.  I asked a stylist friend of mine if she knew any young designers who might want to collaborate. We created a bespoke design for a young designer Corrie Neilsen and as soon as we placed the first Face lace onto a model backstage several bloggers and journos swamped us to ask "what is it"?  They immediately began tweeting about it.
We also had samples and flyers sent out  to about 60 Beauty bloggers and journalists to coincide with the dates of the show.

What social media channels do you use for Face-Lace?
Phyllis: We use Faceboook, Twitter and Instagram. We also have tumblr, but don't use it too often. 

How many followers do you have on these channels?
Phyllis: Facebook 5534, Instagram nearly 4600, Twitter nearly 2500 

How did you get your followers, organic or paid reach?
Phyllis: After our first year we had 3000 Facebook followers, they came to us organically.

What do you consider to be the most beneficial aspect of social media for Face-Lace?
Phyllis: It is like free advertising, we had many PR companies approach us but we didn't see the need immediately to go with any of them. I knew the love affair with the press would wane at some point so I employed a PR company as we started out third year. 

How often do you post updates on your social media platforms?
Phyllis: It depends what is happening, if we are launching new designs and have had any press we will post every day, if not at least twice a week for Facebook, 2-3 times a week for Twitter, and 2-3 times a week for Instagram. 

What is your favourite platform to use? 
Phyllis: I am one of the few people on the planet who doesn't have a smart phone so I have to have a young employee to do Instagram for me.  I do Twitter and Facebook. they each have their place. I remember some one explaining that there are protocols for each type of media- he said Instagram was all about catching a moment and if you put anything too staged it is sneered at by the aficionados .  I have to admit I'm not too good at all the hashtag words. But Zoe my young employee rattles them off in the most impressive way.

Do you consider social media to be an essential part of your brand awareness strategy?
Phyllis: Yes definitely 

What other forms of marketing and brand communications do you use?
Phyllis: We still get involved with London Fashion week and do quite a few collaborations with other companies and fashion houses, we have sent many designs to Makeup artists working on  popular programmes that use performers including Dancing On Ice, X Factor, The Voice, etc.

Does social media play a key role in converting sales?
Phyllis: Yes our first stockist enquiry was from Harvey Nichols who said they found out about the brand from a beauty blogger. 

Where are your products stocked? 
Phyllis: In the UK- Harvey Nichols, Selfridges, Topshop, Angels Costumier, Screenface and Tilt- Professional Makeup shops.  Aside from that we have stockists in 15 countries.

What are the challenges you face when managing your social media channels?
Phyllis: Just keeping track of it all, and having the time to do it.

Do you employ someone to manage your social media channels or outsource the management? 
Phyllis: No I still do it myself, with Zoe's help. 

What are your future plans for Face-Lace on social media? 
Phyllis: People have been saying I should do a blog, and set up YouTube channels with ideas of using Face lace.  When I can find the time to do so I will take up these ideas. 

What is your advice to other businesses who are hesitant in taking the leap into the social media world?
Phyllis: It is definitely worth it, and will become more and more important as the now younger consumer grows up.

Do you feel the number of followers you have on social media reflects your success as a company? 
Phyllis: It is difficult not to, and it is how I check the value of companies and bloggers I might want to collaborate with. So if I'm assessing a company by their social media profile they must be doing it to me as well.

What is your daily pattern with social media?
Phyllis: I check what is happening on all 3 platforms several times every day 

Do you use a social media dashboard? 
Phyllis: No I don't know what it is. 

Do you use social media as a customer service tool?
Phyllis: Yes we do special offers sometimes through social media. 

I would like to say thank you very much to Phyllis for being so generous in sharing her experiences with social media to date for her business Face-Lace.  I am sure many businesses will learn something from Phyllis's insight. 

Friday, 16 January 2015

Great website to create cool content

I have started working on tutorials on and LOVE it! Such simple tricks and tips to make your content, text and imagery stand out from the other content out there. Watch this space for more cool tools xx