Wednesday, 20 August 2014

The granny snoring dilemma

What should you do when you go on holiday with your 75 year old mother and she snores very loudly in the family room you are sharing with her and your 2 young children. 

Do you give her a shake and say 'mam you're snoring' and risk her then being awake for hours? 

Or do you lie there getting more and more tense waiting for every snore to reach new octaves and hoping that once it reaches a crescendo, like a dormant volcano, eventually it will subside? 

It's a very difficult decision for a loving daughter and mother. I'm torn between my wonderful mother's need to not be woken up and my bleary eyed children who are baffled at this new granny they haven't experienced before. They are getting fits of the giggles in between pulling the quilt over their ears. 

It brings me back to when I was a child staying in a caravan on holidays which literally shook its way through the night with the level of snoring.

This is a DILEMMA